The lot is rectangular in shape with approximate average dimensions of 535' wide X 624' depth - see attached plat. Sewer and water may be accessed along Independence Street, Republic Road or along the I90 corridor. All other utilities may be accessed along Independence Street or Republic Road. The lot is zoned General Commercial and is well suited for development with a cross slope of 3-4%. This lot is nice sized for multiple medium to large sized projects with approximate footage along I90 of 530 LF. Take advantage of the 0% 5 year property tax abatement with Meade County for all new commercial construction.
Interior Features for TBD Republic Rd
Other Interior Features
ElectricityBHE Company
General for TBD Republic Rd
AccessPublic, Right of Way
Auction Y/NNo
Docs on FileLegal Description, Survey
Postal Code57718
Primary CitySummerset
Public RemarksThe lot is rectangular in shape with approximate average dimensions of 535' wide X 624' depth - see attached plat. Sewer and water may be accessed along Independence Street, Republic Road or along the
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